Past Projects

2022 "Magna Mater" with Tutti d’amore (Wiederaufnahme)
2022 "Mythos" by Max Andrzejewski, Pantopia Festival
2022 Debut performance "Moments Intérieurs I" by Corie Rose Soumah and "Rules of Engagement" by Wieland Hoban with Contemporary Insights
2021 Debut performance "Der Freischütz – die Echos Utopias" with Verworner- Krause- Kammerorchester (VKKO), Konzerthaus Berlin
2021 "Next Generation #5" with Contemporary Insights, four debut performances commisioned by the Saxon Music Association
2021 Recording "As near as far" by Nikos Titokis
2021 "Magna Mater" with Tutti d*amore
2021 Recording "Der Wald" based on E. Smyth (directed by Kerstin Steeb)
2020 Founding of IFNG „Internationale Fredric Nezce Gesellschaft“
2019 - now Member of "Contemporary Insights" ensemble
2019 Debut performances:
"Schwarze Birke" by Qi Chu
"Concerto for Chamber Ensemble" by Zachary M. Seely
2018 Debut performance: "4 Szenen aus dem Hohelied" by Jonathan Sievers
2018 Recordings for:
Kai Degenhardt: "Die Endlos Lange Straße"
Goetz Steeger: "Everything is free"
Enno Bunger: "Wolken aus Beton", "Ponyhof", "Wofür" (from the album "Was berührt, das bleibt")
2017 Debut performances:
"Noch" by Jan Kehrberger
"Hot and cold" by Nahyun Lee
"Weg" by Vasileios Panousis
2017 Film score for „Sommertage“ (Short film, arrangement/ studio musician)
2017 - now Member of the brass section for „JOCO“
2016 Debut performances:
"Minothauros" (contemporary musical theatre, bunker below Hamburg central station, directed by S. Richter)
"Komposition für Bläser" by Jonathan Sievers
"Anfang oder Ende?" by Mehran Sherkat Naderi
"Reverse" by Jinwook Jung

Score composition and rehearsal for the play “Ronja & Julian” at GWA St. Pauli Hamburg

2015 Debut performances of contemporary musical theatre:
"Die kleine Meerjungfrau" (directed by V. Nováková/ Theater Bremen)
"Eunus" (directed by J. Beckmann/ Resonanzraum Hamburg)
"Wagner sucht" (directed by S.Richter/ HfMT Hamburg)
2015 Debut performance if music installation "Fünfminutenmaschine" (directed by Schorsch Kamerun) at Theater Bremen
2015 Arrangement/ musical direction/ musician for "Gesellschaft für Progressives Gedenken" at Schauspielhaus Hamburg
2014 - 2017 Band member of "The Golden Error Machine"
2014 Space installation „Regenschirme aus Hong Kong“ at the "Night of Chinese Sounds“ at  HfMT Hamburg
2013 Performance "Kindheitshelden" at HCU Hamburg
2013 - 2016 Curator of the concert series "Salon Kleiner Michel" (in St. Ansgar und St. Bernhard Hamburg)